Japan Optimist Dinhgy Association テクニカル委員会



 Why you need
A Measurement and Registration Certificate


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セール? フォイル? それとも ハル? スパー? ですか?


 艇の計測と登録の証明書(レジストブック)は、Optiでレースするためには、完璧に必要とされる「装備品」なのです。事実、レジストブックは艇の中でも、最も重要な部分です。 これがなくては、Optiの大会では正規のルールに従ったレースはできません。事実、この書類なしでは、クラスルールでOptiを所有している事になりません。(艇を売る時には、困ります!)

計測と登録証明書:これは、艇が、フォームに記載された名前の人により適切に計測されて、適切に登録された事が記されているUSODAが発行した1ページの証明書です。お手持ちのフ ォームのUSODAオフィス・アドレスが正しいかどうかを確かめてください。なぜなら、昔に発行されたフォームは古いアドレスが載っている事があるからです。正しいアドレスは、USODA本部、“カッター”管理グループのアドレスであるはずです。その証明書の裏面は、艇の所有名義の変更フォームとなっています。


USODAオフィスはすべてのオリジナルな計測フォームを保管しています。 また、何人かの人々がそれらのフォームをコピーとして保管しています。 もし、あなたがインクでプリントされた白いA4(レター・サイズ)の用紙、またなのでは「小冊子」の、計測フォームを持っているならば、重要なオリジナル書類、すぐに、USODAオフィスに連絡して下さい。絶対に、それを紛失しないでください!








JODA艇登録担当 荒川

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原文:少し古いのですが2002年のUSODA HPに掲載されていました。

Why you need A Measurement and Registration Certificate

 What's an Opti sailor's most important piece of gear? Sail? Blades? Hull? PFD? Would you believe a piece of paper? Your boat's Measurement and Registration Certificate is absolutely required "equipment" for racing your Optimist. In fact, it's the most important part of your boat. Without it, you can't legally race your boat at Opti regattas. In fact, without it you don't even own a class legal Optimist (that really hurts when the time comes to sell your boat!) Your Measurement and Registration Certificate is also important because it will provide a convenient proof of ownership if your boat is stolen or damaged and you need to file an insurance claim.

 Here are descriptions of the terms you'll need to know to be certain that your boat is properly measured, registered, and class legal.

Measurement and Registration Certificate: This is a one page certificate issued by USODA stating that the boat is properly measured and is properly registered to the person who's name is on the form. Make sure the USODA office address is correct on the form you have, since older forms list an obsolete address. The correct address should be USODA Headquarters, Kautter Management Group, P.O. Box 150127, Altamonte Springs, FL 32715-0127. On the reverse side of the certificate, you'll find the Boat Transfer Form.

Boat Transfer Form: This form should be given to the new owner when you sell your boat. The new owner should then complete and send it to the USODA office, to show that the boat has been sold.
IYRU or ISAF Plaque: The ISAF (formerly IYRU) plaque number is not the hull ID number, nor is it the serial number which you can often find molded into the transom of the boat. Instead, it's a five or six digit number, that is on a sticker (the plaque) applied to the inside of the boat, usually the mast thwart or on the daggerboard trunk. Recently issued stickers are blue, about 4" high and 2" wide, and have ISAF printed on them. Older stickers read IYRU and are either blue rectangles or may be round. The plaque is very important. Think of it as the "world number" for your boat. When your boat is registered in the United States, USODA assigns a USA sail number that stays with that hull forever. The plaque number and the sail number are not the same and, although they seem to have no relationship, they're both important because they are permanently assigned to that hull. You must know the plaque number when you make inquiries about your boat to the USODA office.

Measurement form: This is a 10 page document that lists all the measurements for your boat. The USODA office holds all original measurement forms. Some people have copies of their forms. If you have a measurement form which is printed with ink on white A4 (letter size) paper or a "booklet" you have the important original documents and should contact the USODA office. Be sure not to lose it!
Some of our information about boat ownership is incomplete or out of date, and we need your help correcting it. Please! If your boat isn't yet registered with USODA with you as the owner, contact USODA Headquarters and we will check it for you.

Please remember: If you sell your boat, even to your brother or sister, the new owner needs a new Measurement and Registration Certificate. Send the old certificate to the USODA Office (with a $25 registration fee) and we will issue a new certificate to the buyer. Don't risk being turned away from a regatta. Contact the USODA Office today!
Reprinted from Optinews. Optinews is mailed free to all USODA members.

c USODA 1997-2001. All rights reserved worldwide Legal Disclaimer.

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